
Alveus GmbH

Im Hegen 13
22113 Oststeinbek

Telephone: +49-40-468 987-0
Fax: +49-40-468 987-490



Entry in the commercial register
Registry court: Lübeck
Commercial register number: HRB 18688 HL


USt Id. Nr.

Sales tax identification number as referred to in §27a of law of sales tax:
DE 248080552


Tax identification number

Tax identification number: 22/790/01160
Tax office Hamburg


Code number of the eco-inspection authority



Represented through

Managing director: Daniel Trenk


Responsible for contents as referred to in §10 MDStV

Alveus GmbH


Legal references

This web page was arranged with greatest possible care. Nevertheless Alveus gives no guarantee for the accuracy of the contained information. A liability or warranty for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the provided data and information is not given. Alveus does not take any responsibility for the content. Alveus is neither responsible for direct or indirect damage, which results from the use of the information or data, which is found on this web page. Rights and obligations between Alveus and the user of the web page or third parties do not exist. The content of these pages is under copyright. It is not allowed to multiply, pass or publish the content neither completely nor partly without previous written permission of the author.